Thank you for your interest in the Hawkeye Farm herd! My story is a tale told by many other breeders in the industry, that is that it all started as a 4H project. In the spring of 2013 I purchased my very first 2 does, which are still very influential in my herd today.The combination of those two does and my years of serving as Youth Ambassador for the Iowa Dairy Goat Association is what ignited my passion not only for the Nubian breed but also for the industry as a whole. Although the herd is still very “young” compared to others, in these short years the herd has improved by leaps and bounds. They have not only proven their worth in the show ring, but also the milk room!

Here at Hawkeye Farm we strive to breed and put specific emphasis on producing, and reproducing Nubian dairy goats that are level, smoothly blended, and strong on their feet and legs. It is my goal as a breeder to not only produce a pretty doe, but one that will stand the test of time and hold up structurally for many years. It is also important that the doe not only look ‘pretty’, but also stand her ground in the milk room. As of 2022 Hawkeye Farm is a ADGA Plus Member Herd, which further advances our breeding and management decisions through the use of timely and precise records. Through the years of fine tuning and blending of different genetics, one trait consistently pops up; Hawkeye Farm does are consistently immature when they’re young. They most certainly are worth the wait though, and will hold up for many years to come!

All the senior does that reside in the herd are or will be tested for G6S and Caesin, and the whole herd is routinely tested for CAE. All the kids born at Hawkeye Farm are raised on a CAE prevention program and are hand bottle fed & fed free choice 24/7, which helps with their socialization. Here at Hawkeye Farm we not only have the desire to raise high quality animals, but most importantly healthy and happy animals.

Hawkeye Farm is very much a family business. I, Jamy Randol am the herd owner and manager, but am furthering my education out of state at Kansas State University specializing in Small Ruminant Physiology as my Graduate Program. This wouldn’t be possible without the support of my family, specifically my parents who oversee the day to day operations for me while I’m away. It is for this very reason that the senior doe numbers will always be on the ‘smaller’ side, thus many high quality animals that I’d gladly retain in the herd will be for sale. Here at Hawkeye Farm the goats are an integral part of our family, we look forward to welcoming them into yours!