Hawkeye Farm is turning 10!

As a thank you to all those who have helped and supported us along the way, we wanted to give back…

So this year we will be donating a 2023 doe kid to 1 youth member (<21).

Rules for entry:

  • Youth (or parent) must go on Facebook or Instagram and repost our official Facebook announcement on our Hawkeye Farm page & tag us in the post (ensure that it is on a public setting)

  • Those that are participating for a chance to earn this doe kid must either have a youth account registered through ADGA or show a genuine interest in doing so

  • Participants must be under the age of 21 (& at least 7)

  • Participants must email hawkeyefarmgoats@gmail.com the following (preferably in more of an essay format or video);

    • Their name/age/ herd name

      • What their plans for the doe kid would be if they were to be selected (showing/milk/ 4H & FFA project etc.)

      • How they plan to contribute and be involved in the dairy goat industry now and in the future

      • How they run & manage their current herd — or plan to in the future

      • Why they like the Nubian breed specifically & what is one thing they would like to change or improve in the breed

      • Any other supporting information such as pictures of them/their setup/their herd information/videos etc

      • Screenshot of the reposted Facebook/Instagram announcement (It’s ok if its on a parents account)

  • Only one entry per household is allowed — & must have parent permission

  • Must reside in the United States

Donation Details

  • Once the email is received, I (Jamy) will respond back to let you know that your email has been received. I will then forward it on to everyone involved in the Hawkeye Farm operation so they can read the submission as well. Once everyone has had the chance to review the submission I will email back to let you know if you have met the criteria to officially be in the “name pool”, or if not I will specify what criteria has not met our “standards” & I will ask for those areas to be addressed

    • If the changes are applied before the deadline, then you will still have a chance to be in the “pool”

    • We understand that there will be significant age differences (which is why we ask age) so we know how to assess each entry

  • Once all criteria is met, all names will be entered into a “pool” and one will be drawn/selected at completely random

  • The winner will be announced on Facebook & Instagram ( contact will be made prior to the winner & if contact is not returned in 5 days of initial contact another name will be selected)

  • You will gain me as a mentor so keeping in regular contact is strongly advised!

  • Entries close: March 22nd 2023 (the day my original does were born)

  • Name Drawn: March 26th


  • Only one 2023 doe kid will be donated — In the event that we have an extremely buck heavy year the Youth that was selected will then get first choice of mature animals that may become available during the year (dry yearlings/milkers) at a discounted price

  • Hawkeye Farm is not responsible for the transport of the doe kid, so the selected candidate must arrange & pay for transport if needed.

  • Doe kid must be picked up by the age of 6 weeks if not sooner

  • There will be no specifically selecting which doe/breeding you would like the doe out of. I as the breeder will be making the decision of which doe kid will be donated

  • If you currently do not have any other goats (specifically kids that would be similar in age <6 month difference) then arrangements must be made to make sure doe kid will have a buddy. Whether its purchasing a doe kid or wether companion.

  • All kids here are raised on a strict CAE prevention protocol & we whole herd negative for CAE. The entire herd is also Johne’s negative being tested via blood sample & fecal PCR & have never had CL on the property. Whole herd health is always a priority.