Dam: SGCH Lakeshore DL Material Girl

Dam: SGCH Lakeshore DL Material Girl

Lakeshore Man In The Mirror (AI)

Sire: Kastdemur’s DHE Endeavor (DOB 1995)

SS: Kastdemur’s HCV Die Hard

SD: GCH Kastdemur’s Crown Exctatic

Dam: SGCH Lakeshore DL Material Girl 4*M (5-04 EX92 EEEE)

DS: +*B Lakeshore-Farms Doctor Luke (FS90 VEE)

DD: SGCH Alize Kalia’s Kovergirl 3*M (EX90 VVEE)

DOB: 03/08/2021


Caesin: B/E G6S: Normal by Testing

As soon as I saw the kids this year out of the line breeding using Lakeshore Ace Anticipation and Lakeshore Status Justified, I knew right away that I wanted to be sure to maintain the line breeding. Thus the buck hunt was on! Admittedly this year I have channeled my inner Oprah Winfrey, “points to a doe” you get your own buck, “points to another” YOU get your own buck. EVERYONE gets their own buck! Or at least that is definitely what it seems like since we are approaching a 1:1 ratio of bucks to senior does….. The more the merrier right?!

When I was doing my internet searching of lots of different herds, I saw that the Lakeshore herd did AI’s this year to Kastdemur's stock, and admittedly I thought it was too good to be true! There was going to be no way that any of the does had bucks available out of such unique breedings, but I just had to be sure. I quickly shot them a message, and lo and behold she did have bucks available! Not only did they have some available, they had a buck that fit absolutely perfect with the line breeding we were already doing here. It was truly meant to be!

'“Manny” as we call him on the farm, is truly looking to be a powerhouse of a buck. He seems to be very typical of the older Kastdemur lines, and will likely go though many awkward and weird growth phases, but once he fully matures he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with. His sire’s dam GCH Kastdemur’s Crown Extatic was the 1997 National Champion and Best Udder & her dam GCH Kastdemur’s Extasy was the 1989 Reserve National Champion. Manny himself is linebred on Kera-A-Tin Acres Royal Majesty who has been a very influential buck throughout time!

Manny’s dam SGCH Lakeshore DL Material Girl is one I have admired since I saw her first freshening 2 year old photo. Not only did she ooze dairy strength, but her mammary system has to be one of my favorites that I’ve seen to date. It’s beautiful and productive! She has had numerous milk test over 14lbs and the best part is that she passes not only production down, but overall udder type to her daughters. Talk about consistency top to bottom!

I expect big this out of this special buck!


*B Lakeshore Belmont Stakes


State Line Kings Corner